The First Geographic Indication for limestone in France

Burgundy limestone, splendour of a typically French lifestyle.

Discover the Pierre de Bourgogne Geographical Indication

What is a Geographical Indication ?  

The Geographical Indication is an official stamp of origin and quality delivered by the State and supervised by the INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property).   This distinctive stamp is used to designate a product which carries the name of its territory of origin and possesses a quality and notoriety linked to this territory.

The Geographical Indication is an official stamp of origin and quality delivered by the State and supervised by the INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property).   This distinctive stamp is used to designate a product which carries the name of its territory of origin and possesses a quality and notoriety linked to this territory.

The Geographical Indication Pierre de Bourgogne

Extracted for thousands of years, limestone from Burgundy has contributed to the creation of a rich architectural heritage unique on a regional, national and international level. 

This reputation has given rise to envy and resulted in the manufacture of imitations or an abusive use of the label "Pierre de Bourgogne" for products which are not genuine.  “Pierre de Bourgogne’’ henceforth benefits from an IG!  The registration was published by the INPI in the official bulletin of Industrial Property on 29 June 2018 (registration number INPI-1801).

Some figures concerning Burgundy limestone

93 000 m³
of rough blocks are squared every year
2 millions de m²
of slabs are sawn annually
+ de 70 varieties
of Burgundy limestone available
limestone producing region in France
Découvrez les pierres certifiées

The multiple aspects of Burgundy limestone

Laurence Porte

Mayor of Montbard
In Montbard, for several rehabilitation projects, we have privileged the use of Burgundy Limestone for its multiple qualities. More than just a material, Burgundy Limestone is a local h...

Vincent Mayot

Agence Mayot & Toussaint
In our line of work as concept landscapers, we particularly favour working with stone and especially Burgundy limestone. After spending my childhood in the North of France, where the loc...

Burgundy Limestone in France and throughout the world

Islamic Art Museum

Doha, Qatar

Tour Taipei 101

Taipei, Taïwan

Pacific Place


Musée du Louvre

Paris, France
Découvrez plus de références dans la galerie
Why ask for a Geographical Indication ?
The reputation of Burgundy limestone has attracted imitations and has given rise to the production of copies or an abusive labelling of products which are not genuine. The G.I. allows the sector to protect itself, to perpetuate the know-how and the local industrial tissue and to guarantee the origin of Burgundy limestone.
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Who manages the geographical indication ?
Association Pierre de Bourgogne is the Defence and Management Organisation (ODG). It's the depositary of the certification "IG Pierre de Bourgogne. It represents the general interests of companies concerning the IG.
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Why choose a certified product ?
Purely and simply to guarantee that the products do come from Burgundy, that they are made from genuine Burgundy limestone and that they are worked by craftsmen with an intimate knowledge of the material. The Geographical Indication guarantees the authenticity and the quality of the products produced in a local traditional manner.
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